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input ShippingZoneUpdateInput {
name: String
description: String
countries: [String!]
default: Boolean
addWarehouses: [ID!]
addChannels: [ID!]
removeWarehouses: [ID!]
removeChannels: [ID!]

Fields ● String scalar miscellaneous

Shipping zone's name. Visible only to the staff.

ShippingZoneUpdateInput.description ● String scalar miscellaneous

Description of the shipping zone.

ShippingZoneUpdateInput.countries ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of countries in this shipping zone.

ShippingZoneUpdateInput.default ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Default shipping zone will be used for countries not covered by other zones.

ShippingZoneUpdateInput.addWarehouses ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of warehouses to assign to a shipping zone

ShippingZoneUpdateInput.addChannels ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of channels to assign to the shipping zone.

ShippingZoneUpdateInput.removeWarehouses ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of warehouses to unassign from a shipping zone

ShippingZoneUpdateInput.removeChannels ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of channels to unassign from the shipping zone.

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shippingZoneUpdate mutation